
Top Tech Tips for Parents

My mission is to help parents provide positive online experiences for their children. Through the challenges your children do, they will learn about balance, being alert and engaged. The goal is for them to become confident digital citizens.
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"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn"

-Benjamin Franklin

Technology Ethos

Watch the video below to find out my ethos on technology and providing an environment for your child to become an engaged, alert digital citizen who is confident utilising technology as a powerful learning tool.
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Technology Vision

Our vision is to support children by providing challenges for them that engage them and utilise creativity, communication and collaboration. 
Our view on technology is to create challenges that provide children the opportunity to become digital citizens that are:
  • balance
  • informed
  • inclusive
  • engaged
  • alert

Read and Watch these
Top Tips for parents:

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             Setting up an iPad with your child... find out about family sharing.

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Want your child to stay on one app...check out this cool feature to allow you to do that.

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Navigating allowing your child to use a device and what is appropriate? 
Watch this video on screen time to allow you to set up some tools to help manage an iPad with your child.

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Worried about what your child can access online and their privacy? 
Watch this video to allow you to enable some of the key features of an iPad to protect your child.

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