
Encouraging reading

Do you want to encourage reading with your primary school child? 

At times, it can be a struggle to get your child enjoying reading and engrossed in a new book. 

Read below 3 of my top tips for supporting your child to grow to love reading.

1. Make time for reading

As a family, you need to make reading a priority. Carve out time in the day for quiet reading or group reading. This doesn't have to be a book to start. It could be a magazine, a recipe card, the post, at the bus stop reading the timetable. Show your child that they are surrounded by things that they can read.

If your child is reluctant, I would often start with audiobooks. This could be in the car or before bed. An added bonus of audiobooks is that your child will be hearing vocabulary that they might not yet be able to read and therefore building a greater range of vocabulary. 

2. Read the first chapter together

When starting a new book, I would always recommend to read at least the first chapter together. This could be you reading the first chapter using animated voices and building some excitement around the characters as well. This is not only getting your child into the book but as a parent this then allows you to know who the main characters are and the plot of the story so you can then carry on discussing the book with your child if they then read on independently.

3. Allow your child to see you reading

This I would consider to be one of the most important things! Your child models so much of their behaviour on what they see. If they see you picking up a book and getting excited reading and enjoying it, they will over time also embrace it. 

If as a family you are carving out time to read at the weekends, I would encourage that you as an adult also picks up a book to read at the same time. You could start by just doing 5/10minutes - it depends on the age of your child and what they are use to doing already.

By modelling this behaviour your child/ren will see how much enjoyment you get out of reading as well as then being able to discuss books at dinner or in the car. 
Try these steps and enjoy the process of spending time with your child reading. 

It won't happen overnight, so make sure you build in time over the weekends / holidays to read. Also, make use of local libraries and librarians who have such a huge range of knowledge around books to support all children reading!
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